This is a quick update post to let readers know that the pre-order release of Advanced Algorithmic Trading has had a major new content update. This brings the current release up to 431 pages. To access the new content customers simply need to follow the download link received in the original purchase email. If the download email has been misplaced then please email and the updated version will be sent out.
The final chapters are now being written and the full version of the book is planned to be released early 2017.
In addition the open source backtesting and live-trading framework QSTrader has had some improvements. In particular it is now possible to use DTN IQFeed intraday bar/OHLCV data with the backtesting system.
If you have any questions regarding Advanced Algorithmic Trading, QSTrader or any other aspect of quantitative finance then please email and the team will get back to you.